Women's Missionary Union "seeks to equip adults, youth, children and preschoolers with missions education to become radically involved in the mission of God." Our ladies meet on the 2nd Saturday of
each month at 11:00am.
each month at 11:00am.
The men of Pine Grove meet once a month on the 2nd Saturday at 8:00am. Their objective as
stated at gabaptist.org/Men's Ministries Home is "To empower men and boys for Kingdom service
through education and personal involvement in missions and ministries".
stated at gabaptist.org/Men's Ministries Home is "To empower men and boys for Kingdom service
through education and personal involvement in missions and ministries".
All of our Sunday School classes meet at 10:00am every Sunday morning. Visitors are always
welcome and we are sure to have a class that fits your needs!
Vacation Bible School usually takes place from 3-5 days in early summer. Our curriculum is
approved by the Ga. Baptist Convention. Please join us this summer!
The choir meets every Sunday afternoon at 5:00pm. You can see Carl Sparks or Tress Miles
about joining our choir. They would be happy to have you!
For more information please contact the church or site administrator as times and dates may vary